July 20, 2008

Abandoned submarines near Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, western shores of Russia

Unknown number of rusted submarines, half sunk near the harbour of Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky.

Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky (Russian: ??????´???????-??????´?????) is a town in Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, located near the Tatar Strait on the western shores of Northern Sakhalin at the foot of the Western Sakhalin Mountains. Population: 12,826 (2002 Census); 21,000 (1968). It was known as Ako during Japanese occupation between 1918-1925.

coordinates : 49°01'33.32"N 140°15'27.18"E
google map

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1 comment:

  1. it's not Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky (Sakhalin Oblast), it's Sovetskaya Gavan (Khabarovsky Krai) (Postovaya bay - Zavety Il'icha) another side of Strait of Tartary - former base of Soviet Navy
